Monday 8 June 2015

Coronation Street 8th June 2015 (Episode 1) review

Emotions ran in all directions in tonight's episodes.  At Number 11, both Michael and Eileen struggle to come to terms with the recent shock revelations they have been forced to deal with. After Michael goes out, a desperate Gail marches her way into Eileen's house. She insists upon waiting for Michael to return, much to Eileen's delight. Even in the midst of turmoil, Eileen and Gail still manage to hate each other. Bitchy snipes galore. This episode was written by Jonathan Harvey, which means the camp level was very high indeed. 
"How's your tea?"

"Well I can tell you don't use my blend.
But then, I don't mind paying a little extra for a decent cup"
Later on, a highly inebriated Michael stumbles into the Bistro and reveals all to a startled audience. Eileen is appalled and takes Michael home. It is wonderful to see the aftermath playing out after what seemed to be a  dragging storyline. The delightfully dim Kirk Sutherland shone in this scene. Back on the sofa at Number 11, Michael and Eileen enjoy a giggle about the ridiculousness of Gail and things get rather intimate. Exciting times are sure to lie ahead as this storyline plays out; anything that involves Eileen and Gail is always a gem to watch.  

"Wake up and smell the hair extensions. Your ex- she was thick.
I did you a favour, mate"
"I'm not your mate"
Over at the Rovers, Liz plots for Tony's return.  She draws up a contract for when he comes crawling back, which she is sure he will. I am sure that we have all been wondering about Tony and his whereabouts and it is great that his surely impending return is being teased at. On the other side of the bar, Jason berates Todd for what he has done. As ever, Todd fails to realise what he has done wrong, makes cruel remarks and eventually leaves when Sean refuses to serve him. 

A new storyline began tonight, one which I am sure will cause a sensation on the Street. Simon's behaviour towards Leanne worsens as the episode unfolds. A frustrated and grieving Simon lashed out at an equally frustrated and grieving Leanne. He has changed dramatically in personality recently. A sudden change in personality sometimes irritates me, but in this instance it is believable. However, that justification did not make it any easier to watch Leanne being struck across the face with a television remote. This is an interesting take on domestic abuse- a subject which can easily become overdone. Jane Danson's performances over the last few weeks have been very impressive and it will be intriguing to watch this storyline unravel. 
Leanne is left stunned after being attacked by Simon    

Other storylines which took a back seat for this episode, but were still nicely hinted at included Sophie's suspicion of Jenny and her grief. Maddie will be a miss on the cobbles but I am keen to see her sendoff. We also get to see more of Carla's growing guilt. Of course, the dramatic irony riles us, as we know the truth.

A highly entertaining episode for me which moved a lot of things forward. The tones went from shock to camp and from comedy back to shock. Any episode which features Gail and Eileen in their  hate-fueled states is a winner for me. Long may their feud continue! 

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